Council & Committee Meetings
Walsall Council has 22 committees that cover all of the council’s business.
Each committee covers a different aspect of the council’s services. The committees are as follows:
- Audit Committee
- Cabinet
- Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Corporate Parenting Board
- Full Council
- Economy & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- Health & Wellbeing Board
- Local Outbreak Engagement Board
- Licensing & Safety Committee
- Licensing Sub-Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Employment Appeals Sub A
- Employment Appeals Sub B
- Planning Committee
- Schools Forum
- Scrutiny Overview Committee
- Social Care and Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- Standards Committee
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
- Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee A
- Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee B
All of these meetings are open for the general public to attend. It is a chance to see your local councillors working for you, and hold your local council to account.
With the current Covid-19 restrictions in place, some meetings of committees are taking place virtually and are being broadcast via the Walsall Council YouTube channel. If you would like to follow the meetings of Walsall Council click on the link below: